Friday, August 19, 2011

Fat Loss

   I would say fat loss is one of the biggest battles most people have in life. And there's always a secret pill or magic juice out there in the market that promises you (the sucker) to lose ridiculous amounts of fat in just 10 days. So if that's the case I'm going to give it a shot myself. Raise your hand if you want to lose fat? I promise that you will see changes right away only if you follow these simple steps. 

  1. Get motivated to move. The weigh won't come off unless you actually move.
  2. Review your diet. It doesn't matter how much you exercise if your food intake consists of a Nutrigrain with a medium extra extra coffee for breakfast, a large steak and cheese with one leaf of lettuce and a diet soda, and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
  3. Be patient with results. I know that we live in a fast paced self-indulging society, but reality is that anything good comes from hard work and time.
  4. Just because it's the weekend it doesn't mean you can stuff your face and sit on your butt. Our bodies need activity and good food all the time.
  5. Alcohol . Refer to #4. If you want to enjoy a couple of your favorite drinks just do it in moderation.
  6. Make the time to exercise, not excuses. I'm pretty sure everyone has an hour or more to watch American Idol, Glee, or whatever is on TV.
  7. Get an exercise buddy. Even if you can only get together twice a week. It will start up a routine and get you motivated.
  8. Drink a gallon of water a day. Nope soda, juice, coffee, green tea, although very healthy (I meant the tea), do not classify as part of the gallon of water.
  9. Do jumping jacks with your children. They love to jump. If you don't have children do 2 jumping jacks and 2 push ups every hour. It will get your heart rate level up a little.
  10. Stop reading crap magazines and subscribe to blogs that will actually drop some knowledge on you.

In conclusion, stop being lazy, get smart from smart sources, eat healthy and be realistic about what you want to look like and feel. There's no magic behind losing weight, only the want and effort you put into it will give the results you've been looking for. And now that I'm done writing I will print this blog and put it on my ceiling so when I wake up every morning I can be motivated even before I get out of bed.

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